Pass Around 2017

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Well today is the 190th day of the year and the box has been in 19 individuals hands. Obviously that's a 10 day average per person. All in all not to bad.
Did they make you put the strapping tape on it?

It has arrived. I expect to have box back on the road Monday July 17, assuming the next in line gets me an address.
A first pass through the box found some interesting stuff. Not the 4x6 band saw I was hoping for, but interesting stuff none the less. I found that the contents of the **REDACTED** is missing. I could repopulate it if someone could supply a guide to the materials. The next address has been received. I expect the box to be on the way early next week pending repopulation..
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And back towards the left it goes.

9505513248187198091600 Expected delivery on 07/19
Yep. it fits perfectly. I could just imagine some militant postal worker demanding the strapping tape for safety. If things go bad enough that it's needed, the tape isn't gonna slow it down in the least.


Out of the box came a 2MT-3MT sleeve, a ninja star thingie, and a hole punch die set. Man, have I got a use for those punches. I was not looking forward to doing it with a hole saw.

Into the box went... well, it's still overfull.
The four females of the house call it a ninja star thingie. They can't be wrong....

USPS out did themselves. From my hands in Chesapeake to a front porch in Reno in 28 hours.
I'm still chuckling, Randy. I don't know why, but that name for that slitting saw really hit my funny bone. Problem is that I KNEW that you knew it's proper name, so I also knew that there had to be a story behind it. Either way, it brightened up my day!
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