Well, Im in a dispute with VEVOR over a damaged rotary table.

After watching those videos, I would've bought one. They certainly look much nicer than what was shipped.
I bought the small 4 inch rotary table and the mounting was OK but it in general was poorly made. Play in the table and caused a lot of shaking movement was the main problem, even working with just Aluminum.

Have to say It has been the only really poor quality item that I have bought from them, the indexer -dividing head is just the opposite tight smooth, well made and accurate. Same for the mill vice , drill sharpener collets, MAG drill, Annular cutters, solar PV combiner box., VFD, Hydraulic Power unit, Hydraulic motorcycle lift, Lathe DRO, all working great, but that rotary table sits on the back of a shelf.
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You can probably get a massive discount from them, most of the import companies will send you emails offering a discount that will increase each time you complain (mileage may vary).

I had a pack of 10 x development boards (like arduinos) , they had either fake parts or defective parts that stopped downloading software to them, basically totally DOA.

Took about four rounds of messages to get it refunded.

It is annoying when some of the tools are sold as a version of a "nearly ready to run" kit but advertised as the finished item.

I agree with G-man, it's hard to tell what the issue is from the pictures. If the flat surfaces are not flat that's certainly a major issue.
Also I suspect the perpendicular surfaces are not perpendicular for the same reasons
Need clearer pics tho, with more perspective
Edit: I forgot to mention if you maybe told Vevor "I can slip XX thousandths feeler gauge under"
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FWIW I got what you were trying to convey with the light showing through the straight edge and the RT. That IMHO is the best way to show it’s not been machined flat. And there are some things like chipped paint and other details that will not effect the performance but when you are in a dispute I throw all the problems out there just to drive the point.

Looks like it was dropped, probably at the factory. The scale/light test, I would expect there to be a burr there based on the impact damage. Is the whole thing like that? I mean, if you can stone the burr down, that would probably be enough. If the whole surface is not flat, that would be a big issue and unacceptable. Is the bottom flat any better/worse?

I agree with G-man, it's hard to tell what the issue is from the pictures. If the flat surfaces are not flat that's certainly a major issue.
Also I suspect the perpendicular surfaces are not perpendicular for the same reasons
Need clearer pics tho, with more perspective

For some there was enough information shown, for others maybe not. Perspective is sometimes difficult as things don't look the same on the desktop as they do on the phone. Harsh lighting is another issue and sometimes you can only do so much.

In any case, I got my point across to vevor and there have been two additional counter offers since the last exchange I posted, and Im accepting a refund of $110usd.

Vevor Customer Service
Dear customer,

Thank you for your email.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the problem you have experienced.
In order to demonstrate our commitment to your satisfaction, we would like to offer you a compensation of 110 USD for the inconvenience caused. We hope that this gesture of goodwill will show you that we take your feedback seriously and value your loyalty.
Please let us know your thoughts on this compensation offer. We are always open to feedback and want to ensure that we are doing everything possible to meet your needs.
Thank you for choosing our company, and we look forward to hearing back from you soon.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,
VEVOR Support

Look at that, I got the quote function to work!

Looking back at my PP statement I paid $181 with the linked discount code from one of the videos and points discount, taxes/tags etc.

So $71 for a kit of this quality I'm OK with.

And while I bought this to finish a project, and instead wound up with an additional project, once finished it will likely be better than many other offerings out there. So in the end Ill have a perfectly functioning rotary table without having to spend a fortune. That's a win in my book.

Plus I get to make a build thread with this which is a bonus.

Ill reference this video as just one of several brands I ruled out while doing my research.

I linked to the part in the video showing the worst locking mechanism possible. This thing is horrible.

the chinese have no concept of quality assurance unless a foreigner is standing over them with a dollar sign. they really truly do not care about what we get from them, either with control of defects or sending us products with harmful chemicals. they don't care. hell, they don't care about their own countrymen, unless it is family.
That was exactly was I wound going to suggest you: keep the table and ask for a higher refund. Always keep in mind that there is a distribution channel and some people blames the distributor for things that are a responsibility of the factory. Truth is that they shipped you a rotary table and shipping stuff back and forth would eat a lot of what you paid. They are working on tight margins and you can't really ask for much more unless you turn draconian.

Myself, I never complain about cheap stuff. There is always a reason why its cheap.
the chinese have no concept of quality assurance unless a foreigner is standing over them with a dollar sign. they really truly do not care about what we get from them, either with control of defects or sending us products with harmful chemicals. they don't care. hell, they don't care about their own countrymen, unless it is family.
People in the West have no concept of quality assurance unless a foreigner is standing over them with a discount sign. They really, truely do not care about what they buy, either control of defects or buyng products with harmful chemicals. They don't care. Hell, they don't care about their own countrymen, unless it is family.
There, fixed it for you.