Well, Im in a dispute with VEVOR over a damaged rotary table.

Myself, I never complain about cheap stuff. There is always a reason why its cheap.
As a frequent HF shopper I get that but I draw the line at what to me is bait and switch. Where I was promised a functional product they show in their literature and I get something else. That’s what happened with my several month exchange over the Checkel d-bit grinder I bought. I got what was promised in the end because I kept my cool and hung in there with them.

Trying to make blanket statements about motive when there are so many different people involved because of nationality is neither helpful nor accurate. I’ve been involved with more disputes with American companies because their business is more about profit than customer satisfaction. And I didn’t even have the fallback of cheap original price.
As a frequent HF shopper I get that but I draw the line at what to me is bait and switch. Where I was promised a functional product they show in their literature and I get something else. That’s what happened with my several month exchange over the Checkel d-bit grinder I bought. I got what was promised in the end because I kept my cool and hung in there with them.

Trying to make blanket statements about motive when there are so many different people involved because of nationality is neither helpful nor accurate. I’ve been involved with more disputes with American companies because their business is more about profit than customer satisfaction. And I didn’t even have the fallback of cheap original price.
The bait and switch aspect is an annoyance for sure, but “Niceties” aside I would rather have function over fit, and fit over nice.

I’m sure the ones in the reviews were hand picked, and I assumed that going in, but had it not been for the damage I might not have even given it much thought.

I will say the action is butter smooth after working it around a few dozen times with a 5mm key in a drill. There wasn’t much stickage out of the box, but they used grease where oil would be preferable and this added some stiffness.

Interesting anecdote. We had a brand new 15” Troyke (or however it’s spelled) RT that gave us fits early on in my apprenticeship.

Finally after an old head had problems with it and “The Kid” (Me) was ruled out, it was taken down and they found a bad bearing seat that caused irregularities in its function.

In the end after much back and forth the manufacturer sent someone out and they agreed it was flawed and exchanged it for a new unit.

I bet someone caught hell over that one.
I bet someone caught hell over that one.
I wonder…… In my case I worked for two different manufacturers and both had the supposed policy of quality feedback. In both places I worked in assembly but could have worked in anywhere but engineering. So when I had something that didn’t work instead of fixing( more like patching ) it I went back to engineering and made a squawk and got it fixed. You would think this would be appreciated but depending on who had originally designed it there was varying degrees of resistance. And just as often resentment.

The last one was multi national and some of our parts were made by subsidiaries and this was exactly like what I had to deal with this eBay seller. Not until we got a rep from the overseas factory to actually see firsthand did we finally get help and it ended up costing tons of $$ and worse reputation. It’s one of the many reasons I bailed.
That was exactly was I wound going to suggest you: keep the table and ask for a higher refund. Always keep in mind that there is a distribution channel and some people blames the distributor for things that are a responsibility of the factory. Truth is that they shipped you a rotary table and shipping stuff back and forth would eat a lot of what you paid. They are working on tight margins and you can't really ask for much more unless you turn draconian.

Myself, I never complain about cheap stuff. There is always a reason why its cheap.
if the distributer ships me crap from the factory, it tells me they didn't even look at the product before they shipped it to me. shame on them.
People in the West have no concept of quality assurance unless a foreigner is standing over them with a discount sign. They really, truely do not care about what they buy, either control of defects or buyng products with harmful chemicals. They don't care. Hell, they don't care about their own countrymen, unless it is family.
There, fixed it for you.
apparently in your circle.
I wonder…… In my case I worked for two different manufacturers and both had the supposed policy of quality feedback. In both places I worked in assembly but could have worked in anywhere but engineering. So when I had something that didn’t work instead of fixing( more like patching ) it I went back to engineering and made a squawk and got it fixed. You would think this would be appreciated but depending on who had originally designed it there was varying degrees of resistance. And just as often resentment.

The last one was multi national and some of our parts were made by subsidiaries and this was exactly like what I had to deal with this eBay seller. Not until we got a rep from the overseas factory to actually see firsthand did we finally get help and it ended up costing tons of $$ and worse reputation. It’s one of the many reasons I bailed.

I guess I have high hopes for other operations, but sadly after working in manufacturing for nearly 40yrs I can honestly say I would not and do not buy our product.

We’re one of the big three so chances are roughly 30% of the board has our produce in their house. It’s not that it’s a bad product, it’s just that I have seen too much.

Similar to watching my butcher make sausage.
the chinese have no concept of quality assurance unless a foreigner is standing over them with a dollar sign. they really truly do not care about what we get from them, either with control of defects or sending us products with harmful chemicals. they don't care. hell, they don't care about their own countrymen, unless it is family.
The Chinese do have a concept of quality assurance. They have sent a rocket to the far side of the Moon, have made nuclear weapons, and long range ballistic missiles. They do care about what they produce. It's the price point that is the problem. If we were willing to pay more than bargain basement prices, we would get quality products. I don't believe that the Chinese, or anyone else for that matter, purposely produces bad products.
(There are exceptions, of course, and there have been instances of individuals caught at it paying for it with their lives in China. In the USA, it would be a civil matter and such a charlatan would get fired or sued.)
there's no doubt the chinese can, but how much really good stuff have you seen outside their government? if expensive chinese products were good, people would by them just like we pay a premium for Japanese and German stuff. even the stuff they keep in their own country is poor according to people who have lived there. I'm just gonna say, the sheer number of poorly made products coming out of china vs most other countries is much higher.

sadly, the last days of very high-quality products from US manufacturing was probably in the 50's. our automobiles in the 70's and 80's were for the most part, atrocious. it doesn't help when unions make it difficult to impossible to fire bad employees. we do seem to be getting some nice stuff from small shops in the US now. a lot of products out of Europe are top notch. Japan and Tiawan have great stuff.
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