Black | Blue | Red | Yellow | Correct? Note the Sears green wire shown is something unique to the Sears motor, green wouldn't used now. The white neutral connects to blue on the Sears motor.
The capacitor is used for starting but remains connected, the connections won't leave the motor.
Now I remember why this gets confusing.
Switch cover - Fwd | Off | Rev
The schematic is a read right to left through the switch to the motor. It is reversed from the Fwd | Off | Rev marked on the cover. We know this because the wiring on the right is where the line power comes in. Left is for when the switch is rotated/thrown to REVERSE. Note the Logan schematic does not show how power gets to C1 & C2.
Switch wiring.
1 - 2 (L2/neutral) are connected and always connect to the motor T1 & T2 (colors to be determined).
3 connects to to neutral (L2)
4 isn't connected in FWD
5 - 6 (L1/hot) are connected and always connect to the motor T3 & T4 (colors to be determined).
1 - 2 (L2/neutral) are connected & motor T1 & T2
3 is not connected.
4 is connected to 6 (L1/hot))
5 - 6 (L1/hot) are connected & motor T3 & T4
So switching FWD/REV switches hot/neutral on 3 & 4
Switch wiring for 1 -2 (L1) & 5 - 6 (L2) complete
3 & 4 reverse the motor.
The motor.
Blue connects to white/neutral on the Sears switch.
Green connects to Line/hot (L1) on the Sears switch.
Black & Red reverse the motor direction and are most likely the field windings.
Test all this with your VOM first!!!!!!!! Assuming you find the field wiring, try one way and if it runs backwards, swap them.
link is Matthias Wandal's web site and a good read on reversing motors, but you can scroll down the end for a quick read of what you are interested in. A pretty interesting engineer in Canada. Mostly does shop made wood working tools, lately has started to venture into metal. If you ever want to play with gears he has a pretty neat app.
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