You might not want to follow my lead here, though you may wish to profit from my example.
I cleaned the face of the box with acetone and again laid a bead of Permatex 82180 all around it.
Oiled the contact face of the lid with way oil as a release agent.
Put it together and waited the required 24 hours.
Release agent
not so much. Also, cured
not so much. It was cured around the edges, but not cured through. So it's quite the mess.
It was very clear that the original gasket had some material like this permatex on it, but the idea of replacing it with a layer of permatex is looking like it is a bust.
I'll let this cure and then clean it up.
The manual has a picture that has a gasket labeled "396" but the part list skips that.
Griz doesn't have a picture for what is probably the part. At least the part number fits...
Grizzly P07090396 - GASKET
Buying one of every gasket on this lathe would be $88.80... I'm quite sure that re-using the gaskets after replacing the spindle bearings was a mistake; I think it leaks slightly. So maybe I should just order the whole set.