G0709 Review

Tool height gauge block completed.

Review Note: Quality Machine Tools 5/8 shank tools, thumbs up!

Review Note: Some cautioned that these Dorian tool holders with the lowered floor so they can hold 3/4 inch shank tools may have trouble reaching the lathe centerline with 5/8 inch shank tools. They work fine, but as you can see from the photo I'm almost at the top of the adjustment range, maybe .080 to .100 left. Forget about 1/2 inch shank tools, they would require a spacer underneath.

Getting into some stainless steel, I smell Rapid Tap fumes.


Review Note: I'm super happy with how the lathe is performing thus far. I'm turning this stainless down to make a spacer for the carriage lock. I'm .570 inch diameter on my way to .500 in this pic.

Review Note: LOVING the Quality Machine Tools DRO so far. So many options and quite easy to navigate the menus. I would know I retired a managing director of 800+ software developers.

I finished the stainless spacer. The parting off went pretty well with the tiny Dorian part off blade. The stub drill and carbide chamfer drills worked great on the ID with the tailstock. It didn't part off clean so I had to flip this little guy around in the 8" chuck to finish. It chucked up nice and true with only .300 to get a grip on.

Aloris Fail: The mighty Aloris #71 parting tool holder...yeah 100% DEFECTIVE. Some fool put the wrong wedge nut on it and just jammed the adjustment screw in until it would move no more. For north of $200 that was pretty lame QC. Of course I ordered another immediately it is a great parting tool.


