G0709 Review

I made a wooden cradle for my 8" chuck that slides along the ways and has handles to lift it off the machine. My body doesn't like to hold that much weight and try to fit it to the spindle while cantilevered out from my broken down body.
I hear you, my spinal stenosis was all aggravated today.
I hear you, my spinal stenosis was all aggravated today.
you are as young as you feel, i recommend feeling young women.
I was 29 (and holding) until my wife informed me that i could not be younger than her and she did not want to be 20 again, i'm now officially 31.
Tackled the QCTP today, there's good news and bad news ugh!

I was getting inconsistent measurements on the compound...I discovered not a single edge of the compound T slot was deburred and there was a nasty bur on every edge. Odd as the rest of the compound was seriously deburred look at the edges. I deburred the T slot and moved on.

I machined the T nut with about .005 clearance all around but it wouldn't fit. Turns out the corners of the compound T slot are radiused slightly not sharp 90's. After some robust chamfering of the T nut edges the fit was excellent.


I like the Dorian anti rotation pins.


Dorian quality issue 1 of 1 - The T nut ends were cut so crooked and rough I nearly took the time to machine them. Pathetic, my home shop bandsaw cuts better, and straighter. This is screaming we don't care.

EDIT: The handle jamming issue was 100% my fault. I put the knob on the wrong end. One end has a shorter length of threads, issue resolved.


No that's not all...I purchased a box of club crackers today, there's supposed to be 9 individually wrapped packages. Opened the box when I got home and 4 of the 9 packs of crackers were missing. :confused 3: lol Seems like quality went to pot during covid and never recovered.
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Seems like quality went to pot during covid and never recovered.
Agreed. The rough T-nut has always been that way, they were that way when I bought both my toolsposts 20+ years ago. I think they expect that most people are going to throw it away to machine something else, but if you keep it, the ends should be machined, or they'll bother you every time you see them.

The handle issue though is an egregious QA failure and Dorian should replace your toolpost. That's pretty poor.

Agreed. The rough T-nut has always been that way, they were that way when I bought both my toolsposts 20+ years ago. I think they expect that most people are going to throw it away to machine something else, but if you keep it, the ends should be machined, or they'll bother you every time you see them.

The handle issue though is an egregious QA failure and Dorian should replace your toolpost. That's pretty poor.

LOL so they put all this effort into making the QCTP look pretty. The finish is superb. Compared to the Asian knock offs the threading is excellent, even the chamfers are a thing of beauty. Then they toss in a T nut blank that looks like it was cut by hand with a hacksaw. lol
Update: Dorian customer service is going to 'call me back' ugh. Only one person working the phones and she's overwhelmed. She did understand the issue mechanically, I was impressed with that.
you know it is all over the board, i have recently bought some cheap as heck chinesum stuff expecting to have to play the return game and while it was not Rolls Royce level of quality it was very ok. and then some name brand stuff that i was not expecting to have issues with and guess what, return city.

my new addium is "you rarely get more than you pay for, but will often will get less"
you know it is all over the board, i have recently bought some cheap as heck chinesum stuff expecting to have to play the return game and while it was not Rolls Royce level of quality it was very ok. and then some name brand stuff that i was not expecting to have issues with and guess what, return city.

my new addium is "you rarely get more than you pay for, but will often will get less"
I very nearly went with Shars tool holders. They are not finished as well as the Dorian but looking closely they are a step up from the other Asian tool holders in finish e.g. threading/chamfer quality.

My NEW msg for Dorian is, idiot proof the handle...you know...for idiots like me.:cussing:
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Some good news on the Dorian front - I had read a number of warning posts about Dorian tool holders inability to reach the lathe centerline. They drop the deck of their tool holders to accommodate 3/4 inch shank tools. So I checked a 5/8 inch tool this morning, with a tiny insert. With the tool holder at max height it's at least .100 inch above the lathe centerline so on the G0709 at least, this is not an issue!
You may have the Dorian handle in backwards, ones side is threaded shorter that fits into the QCTP, the other end is threaded longer and fits into the ball if I recall. If you get it backwards it locks up the QCTP when you thread the handle into it. Their handle ball is tiny and mine was dinged up. I made a new ball and threaded rod out of O1. The tool post they provided had poor threads, and I also needed metric threads on one end to fit into my T-nut. I do not use the alignment pins.