Looking for a little advice on 2 piece vises for milling operations.
I have a Grizzly Tools version of this vise and use it all the time.
It certainly will not take the place of a good one piece vise, but if you have large items, it works very well.
My situation may be different than yours however.
I mill and drill and tap large thick pieces and rather than using hold downs all over, I just space the vise halves 40 inches apart and hold the short ends in the vise.
A piece of stock needs to be placed under the work or it will deflect in that length.
Tramming is not an issue for me, but it may be for you.
I bolt down the fixed end of the vice fairly close to square with the table and then leave the other end of the vise lightly tightened down to the table.
The work is place between the two halves, the movable jaw is lightly snugged to the work, then the vise is tightened to the table and the work is now square to the vise (but not necessarily to the machine.)
I have a Centroid CNC with the Parts Coordination software so with two touches of the probe, the part is auto-trammed to the machine.
Tramming and squaring a two piece vise otherwise, will not be fun.
On the other hand, since the vise is two piece, you can hold items where the two ends are not perfectly parallel to each other.
The jaws do not care that they are at a 5 degree angle to each other.
I also mill big round things. Using an angle plate and the fixed end at two locations and the movable jaw at the opposite end, is a great way to secure the parts.
Much faster than clamps.
Everything is just another tool.