So you're saying M1 and M4 are jumpered together behind the terminal board?
On the terminal board. It takes looking carefully at all of Jamie's pictures of the terminal board to catch it.
Please look to see if this makes sense walking through the previous owner's note and the difference between the fixed CW or CCW for clues:
Starting on page 37, post number 363
Looking through the motor wiring:
M1 is burgundy inside the motor with a yellow jumper to M4
M2 is red and leaves the terminal box
M3 is empty
M4 is yellow with a jumper to M1 and wire leaving the “terminal box”
M5 is blue/white and leaves the terminal box
M6 is black/white and leaves the terminal box
The wiring note tells us
CW only:
Cord hot (load 1) on LS#6
Cord neutral (load 2) on LS#2
M1/M4 & M5 to neutral Logan #1 (always a neutral) connecting to Logan #2 line 2 neutral
M2 & M6 to hot. This will be Logan #5 (always a hot) connecting to Logan #6 Line 1 hot
CCW only:
Cord hot (load 1) on LS#6
Cord neutral (load 2) on LS#2
M1/M4 to Logan #2 (always a neutral) connecting to Logan #1 line 2 neutral
M5 & M6 to Logan #5 (always a hot) connecting to Logan #6 line 1 hot
Note: M5 is neutral in FDW & hot in REV
Fully functioning switch
Cord hot (load 1) to Logan switch #6
Cord neutral (load 2) to Logan switch #2
Connect M1/M4 (a neutral) to LS#1 (a direct connection to neutral).
Connect M2 (a hot) to LS#4 In FWD this will connect to LS#6 for power.
Connect M5 (a neutral) to LS#3 In FWD this will connect to LS#1 always a neutral
Connect M6 (a hot) to LS#5 (always hot)
Putting the switch in REV will
Swap the M2 from hot on LS#4/LS#6 to neutral on LS#1
Swap the M5 neutral on LS#3/LS#1 to hot on LS#5/LS#6.