Oooh, you've poked the bear there, my friend.
There's nothing more teeth-grindingly annoying to someone who knows and loves a niche bit of kit in, out, and upside down, especially a bit of kit that has had a great deal of (unwarranted in that person's view) negative comment, than referring to their object of fascination in relation to something that they feel is an inferior product.
Don't think I'm cruelly mocking GG either.
You try telling me that my Niche Zero coffee grinder "
is just like the De'Longhi grinder I bought from Walmart" and you'll hear my howls of outrage clear across the Atlantic.
To be fair, I don't understand the fella's love for the bike (I owned one as a 10 year old and hated it; never happier than when it was replaced with a Raleigh Arena a couple of years later) but then I only ever really knew bikes as a rider rather than as an engineer.