What Did You Buy Today?

a bunch of mouse traps... They destroyed my shop towels and gloves this past week. I was painting in the garage two weeks ago, and they ate a lot of paper goods, and crapped all over the top of my workbench and tool box. I HATE MICE.. Destructive little b a s t a r d s.

I lost it this afternoon. Saw something running across my basement floor. Before it even saw me coming I had dispatched it with a broom. Fortunately it was a small shrew. I think it just managed to get into the garage, fell down the steps, and squeezed through seal at the door into the basement.

At first I thought it was a small mouse, which would have driven me crazy. A shrew, I can see how he unluckily ended up where he did.

I hate mice.
I lost it this afternoon. Saw something running across my basement floor. Before it even saw me coming I had dispatched it with a broom. Fortunately it was a small shrew. I think it just managed to get into the garage, fell down the steps, and squeezed through seal at the door into the basement.

At first I thought it was a small mouse, which would have driven me crazy. A shrew, I can see how he unluckily ended up where he did.

I hate mice.
I have had a few mice die in the pool, and some have looked like shrews especially the last one I removed for the season. A little longer, fatter too.
Don't trust those traps. Old fashioned snap trap, with a metal trigger for me. Stuff chunky peanut butter in the curl of the trigger, so they have to work at it, not delicately lick it clean. Gets them every time. And they are dead. Reuse the trap! The other mice don't care, renew the bait if necessary. Put several of them next to each other, so if they trigger one trap and are lucky, they land on the other trap, which will do the job. Do that for a week or so, and the problem is gone. Well gone for the season maybe. Seal up those gaps, that's how they get in.