What Did You Buy Today?

Don't trust those traps. Old fashioned snap trap, with a metal trigger for me. Stuff chunky peanut butter in the curl of the trigger, so they have to work at it, not delicately lick it clean. Gets them every time. And they are dead. Reuse the trap! The other mice don't care, renew the bait if necessary. Put several of them next to each other, so if they trigger one trap and are lucky, they land on the other trap, which will do the job. Do that for a week or so, and the problem is gone. Well gone for the season maybe. Seal up those gaps, that's how they get in.
I'm not so sure I'd use any kind of peanut butter. It attracts them. The mice seem to be able to smell it from al longer distance. We tried it on the traps with the yellow cheese flavored plates. We went from a couple mice in a month to a dozen in a week. When we stopped using the peanut butter the count went way down again.

I finally bought one of these and half a dozen cans of spray foam. I saturated the areas they were known to come in through and haven't seen a mouse for a couple years.

I'm not so sure I'd use any kind of peanut butter. It attracts them. The mice seem to be able to smell it from al longer distance. We tried it on the traps with the yellow cheese flavored plates. We went from a couple mice in a month to a dozen in a week. When we stopped using the peanut butter the count went way down again.

I finally bought one of these and half a dozen cans of spray foam. I saturated the areas they were known to come in through and haven't seen a mouse for a couple years.

My mice found fresh chunky PB irresistible. I've caught well over 6 dozen that way. (Over the years! Not all at once.). Hey, whatever works is good.

I've used that bitter foam, it's pretty effective. Reminds me, I need to look around the exterior to try to seal things up some more.
One mouse out of the house just now . Ate my daughters sunflower seeds that she was drying out . I'm not so nice , they don't leave the garage alive .
Wifey and me spent the afternoon browsing some junk/ antique shops. I dragged a few items home...

An Armstrong 18" adjustable hammer, AKA wrench...


A JH Williams 'Agrippa no. 104' c-clamp, was frozen, but freed up fairly easily with a little Kroil...



An old Hinsdale ¼" drive socket set in a cool tin...



And a wood cigar box... it is 6-3/16" inside dimension, so is the perfect size to store my 6" milling vise parallels and get them out of the crappy plastic box they came in. Plus... it has a lot of character...


