What Did You Buy Today?

I've been wanting a broach set...
Decided since I'd broken down and got a arbor press, I'd get the broaches I've been lusting after. I know I'm fortunate. As long as I make my (automatic withdrawal/deposit) into the joint account my girlfriend and I have an agreement. I don't ask about clothes and accessories, and she doesn't ask about tools. ;) LOL, after tapping out an OIlite bearing today, my brain asked "Didn't you just buy an arbor press?" :rolleyes:
I don't ask about clothes and accessories, and she doesn't ask about tools.
The way I see it, her cloths and accessories benefit you too... Do you let her use your arbor press? ;) lol!

My wife made the mistake of early on stating that anything earned in the shop could be spent in the shop. Little did she realize, that a big pile of good tools can do real work...
The way I see it, her cloths and accessories benefit you too... Do you let her use your arbor press? ;) lol!

My wife made the mistake of early on stating that anything earned in the shop could be spent in the shop. Little did she realize, that a big pile of good tools can do real work...
Not a permission thing, tools are simply treated as something that will cause harm if not respected. She didn't say a word when I came in the house with riggers tape around a gash that took 20+ stitches to close up . She is a former ER RN. I'm the one far more likely to get a lesson in the school of hard knocks. I've listened to the "DON'T be stupid." voice ever since. No excuse, I knew I should have stopped.

What ever she says she wants to know about, I try to either teach or get what her what she expresses an interest in knowing we both may use it. I think the wood lathe has been waiting for her for maybe 6 years now?? Whatever, it's there when she decides to learn. I just consider myself fortunate. We came into the relationship in our very late 40's both doing not bad and each content and trusting enough neither of us was worried about what the other did with their money in excess of household needs. I'm terrible, I've taken to making myself pay attention to what she's wearing in case something happens.
ok, wondering why Grifter thinks it's not enough.

With the smaller sized collets, the 0.5mm step sizes are a good option to have to hand. Once you get above the sizes where half-mil collets are available, you need to switch to imperial if you are between the half size below max and above the smallest size of the collet. Id-Est, if you are using an 11-10mm collet and you are between 10mm and 10.5 (10.3 for example) it is better to switch to an imperial 13/32 collet so you do not overly close the collet which can cause excessive wear to both the outer taper of the collet, potentially distort the collet as well as create additional wear to the seat of the ER holder.

It is not the be-all, end-all solution, but it is one that has worked for me to save heavy wear to the collets and taper of the collet holder. Not my first use of collets either. I used them years ago, but never ventured to acquire a set until I cquired my own lathe. I was always taught not to close a collet down to the minimum size, but go to half-way between max and min quoted sizes and then, if needs be, switch to a different collet (met or imp) to get proper clamping without excessive wear, over-clamping or potential for distortion.

I don't ask about clothes and accessories, and she doesn't ask about tools.


Similar situation with my "good lady"... She knows I never purchase anything I do not have a need or use for and I never question what she buys. She has never had a problem with me buying anything beyond "just make sure you keep the place tidy" because she also knows that some of my tools have been used on projects / repairs for her. Explains why I will be getting my Mill soon and where it will be located.....
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Similar situation with my "good lady"... She knows I never purchase anything I do not have a need or use for and I never question what she buys. She has never had a problem with me buying anything beyond "just make sure you keep the place tidy" because she also knows that some of my tools have been used on projects / repairs for her. Explains why I will be getting my Mill soon and where it will be located.....
After my late Mom met Diane she pulled me aside and said "She's a keeper." and she was 100% right. Mom had already watched me strike out twice :rolleyes:
In Virginia, Diane had happily let me fill the garage. I promised myself when we moved to Washington she was going to have a place to park out of the rain. Was able to build a garage size shop and the spare bedroom is hers to do as she as she sees fit. Has worked out well. I'm a fortunate fellow.