"proper" Way To Store Drills In An Index (?)

Shank down for me , don't want the tips bouncing around
Did you pull the HF bits out of the trash
I did! They weren't too bad for a rough hole.
You should have left them in the trash. Poor drills cause more frustration than the next culprit by 100X.
I've always stored them flutes down.

Dunno where I picked that up. Guess it just makes sense to me.....:)
flutes up, just because the came that way I guess. I also would have pulled them out of the trash, Good for various thing, like wood, cleaning holes, etc.
Been doin' that since 1978 when I started my Washington State Apprenticeship Program. An O'le Sweede told me that, an' I been doin' it ever since. OMG, that's been 46 years?