"proper" Way To Store Drills In An Index (?)

Been doin' that since 1978 when I started my Washington State Apprenticeship Program. An O'le Sweede told me that, an' I been doin' it ever since. OMG, that's been 46 years?
Funny I had an old Scotsman during some of mine almost fifty years ago now.
Good thought! I asked him about that at the time and just got "the look". The transaction occurred about 20 years ago at a GM plant in Lansing, MI.

As an aside, I was in the tool room reviewing a job when a scooter backed into a Vidmar with fractional, number and letter drill bits in it. Knocked the cabinet over and mixed up the drills. They gave the sorting job to an apprentice who tired of the task and dumped about 3 coffee cans full of new HSS bits in the trash. I retrieved most of them and spent many an evening with index gauges and mics sorting drill bits. Never had to think about buying another HF drill set!


I still have a bunch of drills I’m working on that I got from the day job before I retired. One day I’ll finish them

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