Come on guys. Debating MT3 verses R8 is just splitting hairs for the sake of argument. For all practical purposes at the end of the day there isn't going to be any difference between the two.
When I was in your position just starting out and not having a couple of tons of money to spend I decided on ER collets because I could use them on my lathe and on my mill/drill. R8 can only be used on the mill. You will also need a collet system for the lathe. By the time you are done you will have spent twice the amount of $$$ or more and not gained anything over ER collets. I also think that ER collets are way simpler to use then R8. With R8 you have to loosen a drawbar and pound on it to free the collet. Then screw on the new R8 collet and tighten everything back up. I have to stand on a stool to deal with the drawbar. With an ER to R8 adapter or MT3 adapter for that matter once you have the adapter in your are done with the drawbar. I have never touched the drawbar after the adapter was installed. Changing tooling with ER collets is a breeze. Takes no time at all. Buy metric ER collets because there are no gaps in coverage. Imperial ER collets have gaps.
Davidr8 the RF40 will be a way better machine then the RF30. If it is in you budget buy it and get on to making chips.