Atlas 3995 Chattering

Atlas is a pretty light lathe, I could shift my spindle .001 with gentle pressure (it was a babbitt head) and still get a good finish. Holding dimensions tight and turning a length without taper under deflection is another story, but it made chips readily.
I’m sure the timken set up should be 0 with a drag cold. Moving it that much by thumb pressure is extremely loose Screws won’t fix a loose spindle.
Everything moves some amount. We had a Starrett granite surface plate 4'x 4' x 12" thk. We built a jig centered on plate with arm that reached one corner with an indicator that worked in the millionths (read really expensive). We could press on the granite with our hands and move the indicator. I am pretty certain the Atlas is in spec with a spindle deflection of just 0005. This entire lathe only ways 550 lbs. There is not a lot of mass to it in the areas it really needs like the bed and head stock.
I think we are at the finish line now- congrats! Not a bad lathe at all once they are tightened up
You can do most common metric threads on them too with just two additional gears + quick change gearbox
(metric approximations but close enough in most cases)
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Cool! The first pic is how mine looks LOL
Be careful not to break the gearbox levers they are ferociously expensive
Have you tried turning between centers yet?
I have not, before I spend several hundred dollars on decent live center I want to exhaust all other avenues. I am making some incremental progress with work on the chuck runout. Thanks.
Are the cutters Dead Center in the tool post ? Looks like you may be below center.