Sounds right, but I'm still wonering what the proper value would be for a fuse between the reversing switch and the controller.Good point.
Mine doesn't list the amperage explicitly, but the nameplate says 2.60HP cont. duty @ 110VDC/1940 watts, which is 17.6A... but it also says 2.80HP "treadmill duty" (which is apparently some arbitrary number somewhere between the continuous and peak duty ratings) @ 130VDC. 17.6*2.8/2.6=18.99, so a 20A fast blowing fuse ought to do it. Or maybe a 15 to be safe, and have a 20A on hand in case the 15 doesn't do it.
Though I will have the reversing switch on the box holding the controller on the back of the machine where I can't reach it easily, far away from the other controls.
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