Bought me one of those nifty CNC Bridgeports. Got it for $2500, along with a Bridgeport vice, and a CNC pallet (flat piece of steal with lots of threaded holes for mounting), and Ah-ha control system, plus an Acorn control board. I got it in excellent condition, then proceeded to dump it on its face in the driveway.
Warning: Viewer discretion is advised.
Bought me one of those nifty CNC mills that Bridgeport made. It was in excellent shape. Then I proceeded to dump it on its face.
I was trying to inch it over that 1/4" lip from the driveway to the garage. It came off the trailer just fine with a couple 4x4s bolted to the bottom. A come-along attached to the Enco mill at the back of the garage made that easy enough. But, it was a couple inches too tall to get through the door with the 4x4s bolted to the bottom. In hindsight I should have taken the 3 minutes to pull the head at the turret (which I ended up having to do anyway). It's only 4 bolts and would have made it less top heavy, and an easier move to boot. I also should have had the engine lift attached, but it was seriously in the way.
Oh, well. It broke off the Y axis motor, and the spindle speed adjust knob. Neither is more than an irritating distraction to repair. It's inside now, and I'm starting the work to get the axis controls working with the current electronics, or swapping it out for modern closed-loop steppers and drivers.