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It's in the refrigerator...yeah that's happened to me.

In the fridge? Never done that, ever. Except with a phone. to cool it down when it got too hot.

I have thrown parts I am machining in the fridge to cool down, to take out and warm back to room temp to get a more accurate measurement though!
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It's in the refrigerator...yeah that's happened to me.

Haven’t done that (don’t take tooling out of the shop - hand tools, yes, but even when I replaced the refrigerator door hinges I didn’t leave anything inside), but I have carried something to a part of the shop away from where it lives, put it down to pick something else up and didn’t go back to get it. Ten minutes later I would have no idea where it went!

I understand @GrifterGuru ’s frustration as he sounds like he is as “particular” as I am about keeping things organized. If I were paid to work in my shop, I would spend more lost time looking for something than it would cost to replace it.
Aah, a kindred spirit!

Ever since I had my first tools at 10y/o, model-making tools at that, I have always looked after them. Nothing worse than filthy, abused tools, let alone tools that are left all over the place just dumped without a proper home.


Yes, I am particular about my tools. Always have been. Part and parcel of being ASD with a little OCD thrown in which is why every tool used is always cleaned before it is put away.

In fact, I just re-blackened the jaws of a pair of needle nose pliers I have had for over 30 years since it had worn away with use and I have other tools I will be doing the same with over time.

Everything is placed based on the "first order retrievability" rule of "if I wanted that [item], where is the first place I would look for it?". So far, it has worked out very well.
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Ever since I had my first tools at 10y/o, model-making tools at that, I have always looked after them. Nothing worse than filthy, abused tools, let alone tools that are left all over the place just dumped without a proper home.

You are invited to visit my little shop anytime.
Finally pulled the trigger on an ER32 collet set, and an R8 holder. There’s also a straight shank holder not in the picture. Had some issues with Z axis clearance using the drill chuck in my PM25, so I went ahead and purchased.

Then some rotary table supplies. IMG_5253.jpeg

Nice precision vice!!

I have the smaller 45mm version for the 5x4 milling slide for my lathe. Swapped the original bolt from the active jaw to a 12.9 SHCS since the original 8.8 SHCS wallowed out with very little use (6 uses in actual fact).

My Imperial ER32 collets are in a case like that only the entire case is silver with a full black interior.
Are you going to drop for a Bearing nut for the collet chuck? makes a heck of a difference, as does using a half spanner or full ring spanner over a "C" spanner.

Nice precision vice!!

I have the smaller 45mm version for the 5x4 milling slide for my lathe. Swapped the original bolt from the active jaw to a 12.9 SHCS since the original 8.8 SHCS wallowed out with very little use (6 uses in actual fact).

My Imperial ER32 collets are in a case like that only the entire case is silver with a full black interior.
Are you going to drop for a Bearing nut for the collet chuck? makes a heck of a difference, as does using a half spanner or full ring spanner over a "C" spanner.
I’ll be honest, I had to look that up on YouTube, but the bearing nut does look cool. I may have to purchase that in the future. I did pick up a full ring spanned as well.

The vise is an Accusize one from Amazon, but I’ve had pretty good luck with their tooling so far. I’ve got a couple G19 slides that I’m going to practice red dot sight cuts on. They haven’t been hardened yet so it shouldn’t be too bad.