Single Cylinder Opposed

As you can see I have raised the engine up 1" to allow for these new 6" flywheels. The gas tank was moved up also and the ignition system was rearranged with an on/off switch.



It seems that every time I make a crankshaft I try to make it longer than I need so there won't have any problems later but I still run out of room on one end or the other. Same problem here on the cam drive side but I was able to move the cam and the drive over to make room.

The new flywheels have made an even bigger difference than the piston and rod did. The combined changes to the engine are getting closer to the way I want the engine to run.

There is one more thing I want to do before I make another video of the engine so stay tuned.

Thanks for looking
I am very happy with the way this engine turned out so without further ado here it is.

If you look at the first video I made you can see that I had the engine held down to the table with an aluminum strap and a bolt.
The closeup of the fuel tank now shows almost no vibration and the engine shows no sign of movement and is not held in any way.
The engine is running at 900rpms in the video. It will run slower but then it doesn't fire consistently so if it likes 900 for idle then that's fine with me.

I had to move the fuel tank over 1/2" because it was in the way for hand starting as I kept catching my hand on the tank.
The weight on the carburetor throttle arm was too light and the engine would speed up by itself so I made a heavier one.
I lowered the compression ratio to just over 5 to 1. That didn't seem to make any difference as to the running of the engine but it is much easier to hand crank now.
You can see that there is a cover on top of the cylinder. I made that to help soften the clapping sound that the upper piston parts make while running. It does help to soften the noise but I am not happy just leaving it unfinished. I need some ideas for a finish for the plastic part. The only thing I have come up with is some color of paint probably black.

Thanks for looking
Beautiful work! I think you should embrace the clacking and enjoy the reliability, sort of like a Cummins 12 valve!

If it really bothers you, turn one out of brass to match the other components or cast one out of lead, babbit or zinc.
Really nice! How about a cap made of Delrin?
Thanks Firstram and Robert for the kind words.
I was rather thinking of some kind of finish and color for the plastic cap.

I was rather thinking of some kind of finish and color for the plastic cap.
I would go with Black to match the flywheels.

Nice build and sounds great.
I think I will agree with you Boswell
