Has any body used the Drill Hog drills? Or good other suggestion

I buy all the tools for the machine shop (it's part of my job). I use their money, not my own.
It would cause much less confusion and help people understand what products work well and which ones do not work well if you would have posted.

"I purchase tooling for a machine shop for a living, I think XYZ products work well so I buy a good deal of them"
This is easily understood, good product, well manufactured, high return on investment.

Many hobbyists do not know where to look for tooling nor what to buy, a person in your line of work that is willing to participate on such a forum would help a good deal.
I was considering drill hog about a year ago, but found several testimonials, stating that the would never respond when you tried contacting them about warranties, so I opted out. I hope that I was given misinformation, and they DO honor the warranty. If someone had had experience with them, and their warranty, let us know.
I’ve never purchased from Drill Hog, however I’ve heard great things about them, my personal drill run the gamut, I’ve purchased import drill sets from MSC, picked them up at auctions, plus the bucket of drills I was “gifted” or rescued from being trashed.

Two things a home shop needs in drills, a selection of good sharp drills, and a place to put them. I’m lucky I have both covered, after a long while I got all my drills sharpened, then put in the Huoit drill storage, plus 2 open indexes, one for the lathe and the other on the workbench. A full set of standard drills for tapping that I keep in the machining tools box.

I’m good to go

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Message the drill hog eBay seller. Ask if they are USA. They are not. Just buy Norseman and don’t look back. How many drills are you breaking that you could package them up and make it worth the time and money. Buy Norseman.
I was looking to get a new 115pc set of drill's. I been looking at the Drill hog m7 on ebay for $187 or there cobalt set for $282.

I paid just over $100 for the 115 bit cobalt set at Harbor Freight at one of their sales.

They are still in great working order almost 2 years later. The only bit I killed was the 0.089 bit when I was trying to drill through a block of steel beyond the length of the flutes.
I suspect that is the same cobalt 115 pc set that Harbor Freight sells for just over $100, about $85 with a 20% off coupon , maybe in a bit better box. I have found the HF cobalt bits to be quite good drill bits and we use them in CNCs all the time. I heard a rumor that those cobalt bits are made in Russia, but no proof of that.

If one were to buy those at wholesale (a guess would be around $60/set) and then resell them at almost 3x the HF retail price, you could afford to offer a lifetime warranty on broken bits, I'm guessing they have less than a 5% return rate. A lot of people just wouldn't bother, and it is pretty uncommon to actually break a drill bit.
A friend got a 115 pc set, and it looked very well made. He is quite pleased with the set.