You guys making any progress? How goes it?
I'm up to 461 hours on mine. Still running great! I seem to have all the bugs worked out, and can trust it now to run all night without issue. My longest print so far is 36 hours.
One of the more recent "bugs" that I worked out was the Bowden PTFE tube. The stock design has the tube exiting the rear of the exhaust filter housing, then making a loop before connecting to the "Bowden tube retainer".
I was having to keep the drive roller tension at a setting that just seemed tighter than normal, due to the force needed to pull the filament around that loop. I say "tighter than normal" but, I have no idea what's normal for a Voron, but definitely tighter than in my Flashforge.
So, I redesigned the tube entry point on the hosing to eliminate the loop, and reduce the amount of force needed to pull the filament in. My version drastically reduces the amount of force needed to pull the filament through the tube. I have about 10 hours on the new version so far, and its working very well.
Somehow, it has also noticeably improved the vertical sidewall surface finish of my parts. I havn't yet figured out the mechanics of that, but it definitely improved what was already a pretty good finish. I just assumed the sidewall finish was normal for a gantry type printer, a resonance or something. But, since the new tube feed setup seems to have fixed it, I guess not.
Just a wild-assed guess, but perhaps it was pulling hard enough to cause a little flex in the toolhead, or something.
Anyway, here is a before and after of the surface finish.
with the stock Voron rear tube feed. Polymaker Polyterra Matte Yellow:
and after. This is the same Polymaker Polyterra, but in Matte black. You can clearly see the difference. This is the second iteration of my side entry housing. Version 2.0, that has the mount for a tube guide / funnel. This part was printed with the first version of the side entry housing installed.
Anyway. Should either of you want to try the side feed exhaust housing, I put it up on Here is the link:
This exhaust housing allows you to eliminate the Bowden tube brackets. No supports needed. | Download free 3D printable STL models
And a couple pics: