Summit 11x32


Looks like I’ll need to find/make a spanner wrench to remove the chuck. If I do that, can I put a collet in the head? Does anyone know where I could find a 4-jaw for it?I

Any suggestions for a DRO?

A wrench is generally not used with a screw-on chuck.

Some lathes require an adapter for collets, some have the proper seat for a collet built into the spindle.
Once you get the chuck off a close-up picture of the spindle nose might help.
What size is the spindle bore?

I bought a Sanou 4-jaw for my Heavy 10, decent chuck at a reasonable price.
You will have to make a backing plate for the chuck to fit your lathe. They can be purchased blank and machined to fit chuck and lathe.

Very happy with the cheapest most economical DRO I could get off Aliexpress.
No complaints after 6 years.