slodat's 3d printed shop projects

Oh man, that's exciting stuff! Good job slodat!

Now I want a printer. How bad is the smell of melting plastic when they are printing?
Like others have said, PLA is not an issue. I do notice PETG (my go-to material) a little, but it is not bad. I recently printed a bunch of stuff with Taulman 910, which does give off a rather noxious smell, to the point I had to open a window in my office. The upside to Taulman 910 is that it is incredibly strong.
Working on mounting the Fogbuster nozzles on the Haas TM1. I'm going to use existing fastener locations for the factory chip shield. It's not doing much and coolant is much more important to me.

I scanned the factory part on the flatbed scanner, imported into CAD so I could use it for reference geometry.

Reference geometry:


This was imported into Fusion 360, and I started whittling away. I combined the loc-line mounts into the part.


Next up is the slicer:


Now, we wait. Will be ready for me when I get to the shop in the morning.
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One of my design intents is to use existing fastener locations, threaded holes, etc whenever possible. This is true whether its a car, machine tool, or whatever. I want things tidy, up and out of the way. Drew a clamp for the Fogbuster hoses. This first clamp is for #10 screw locations on the side of the head. Captured nut for the free end of the clamp.



I scanned the factory part on the flatbed scanner, imported into CAD so I could use it for reference geometry.
Fusion360 lets you skip your second step, import the jpg as a Canvas, and then use Calibrate on the Canvas to get it's size correct. Either way, great use of Fusion.
I had used Aspire in the past for this, so that's what I went with. Thank you for the tip. I didn't see an easy way when I looked.
Canvas and Calibrate are neither very visible or intutively named :-) Once found, its a joy for reverse engineering or making new things fit old places.
Thanks for the tip! I have a 3d scanner (Einscan HX) that I've used with success for reverse engineering. Nothing complex yet, still learning. The flatbed scanner is great for stuff like this.