slodat's 3d printed shop projects

for a different project I recently ordered a BananaPi M5. there is also OrangePi and a plethora of other workalikes. The site has instructions for installing on generic Linux.
Just match the board specs you buy to be somewhat like a Pi 3 or 4.
I have OctoPi running on a Rapsi2+ because I had it sitting idle. Works ok but a bit more horsepower would proably be good.

Do I have to run Linux? I nothing about Linux. Or, are you referring to Linux on the BannanaPi or OrangePi? It appears I may have a lot to learn, which is fine.
Otherwise, yeah, I would love to look at other options because moving this SD card from the printer to the computer and back is truly a drag (nope, not kidding) and being able to monitor the print remotely would be awesome.
Do I have to run Linux? I nothing about Linux.

The RPi runs Linux but you need not know very much. OctoPi is an image with OctoPrint already installed. It is well worth it for a 3d printer.
The RPi runs Linux but you need not know very much. OctoPi is an image with OctoPrint already installed. It is well worth it for a 3d printer.
Ok, that is good to know. Rabbit hole... Here I come!
The OctoPi is worth the effort and expense.
Except when you can't source the Pi in the first place :) Then any other board with 2-4GB of memory and USB/WiFi running Linux is a good alternative. OctoPrint even runs on Windows, it doesn't have to be a RasPi. Install of Linux on these things is simple, and so is the install of OctoPrint. After that you never need to concern yourself with Linux, which IMO is a good thing to avoid when possible. :-)
Oh man, that's exciting stuff! Good job slodat!

Now I want a printer. How bad is the smell of melting plastic when they are printing?
ABS can make a stink in the room your printer is in. It's not horrible, and it does better with an enclosure anyway. PETG is no big deal.
Except when you can't source the Pi in the first place :) Then any other board with 2-4GB of memory and USB/WiFi running Linux is a good alternative. OctoPrint even runs on Windows, it doesn't have to be a RasPi. Install of Linux on these things is simple, and so is the install of OctoPrint. After that you never need to concern yourself with Linux, which IMO is a good thing to avoid when possible. :)
Awesome! I am going to be pursuing this.