Adventures in 3D printing

Thanks for sharing your Fusion design of the Rego Fix Holder, it's nice to see how others do it. I'm still learning Fusion 360 and this kind of stuff really helps.

And like Jeff, I may adapted it to my spanner wrench for my ER40 chuck.

I printed with some Carbon Fiber Poly-carbonate the other night, the smell was bad. I'm going to have to look into a filter/ vent system also.

Thanks again for sharing!

Ahhh, Phoenix.
So I guess your not worried about attic condensation, and ice damming...... that's where my mind went!

On the weekend I glued the 2 hoops together. 8 identical parts printed, 4 per hoop. Glued together with PVC primer/cleaner, the purple stuff, and it works! The test pieces I made will break beside the joint and with 2 1/2” of joint there is a lot of surface area to work with. No capability of shifting the parts if one is not lined up at first contact. The bolts made it work for me.

Great job with the glue up! The circle looks seamless. I need to break up my big items into smaller pieces due to the a small envelope of my printer and I have used CA in the past.

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I have been printing the supports that hold the two hoops of the upper structure together. Did a 1/2 size to check for errors, there was no lack of error! The full size parts, 6 hrs each, with the last one printing now over night. With three done, I just had to try the storage position. Naturally there are many more parts to make or purchase before this project will be done.

I am always impressed when people have a complex design with multiple parts and are able to do it. This is next-level skill compared to a simple bracket or fixture that are 80% of what 3D printers seem used for. Although I know nothing about astrophotography, I am very interested in your project based on the large scale and complexity of the design.