R8 & 3/4” Shank Tooling Holder

Gas welding setup:


Here is the seam to be reinforced with a fusion weld. I will be facing this bushing down about .090”.


I did this, refusing to put any filler material next to me. The tubing is so thin that part of it melted down. Now I’m going to have some 1/16” RG45 (gas welding filler rod) to use, if needed:

Here is the second one. I had to use filler rod in one place because the tubing is so thin that sometimes it falls away.


Here are the last two. I switched from a #0 tip to a #1 tip because my #0 tip reached the end of it’s useful life. I liked working with the #1 tip better because I could move faster.

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Here is how that machined down. This picture is taken after lathe filing:


I will do this machining for all 4 feet, and see which one is the shortest. Then I will make all of them that length.

I won’t do anything with the inside of this tubing because nobody will ever see that. Any material removal would only reduce serve to reduce strength.
When I was facing down one foot, the gas welded seam failed due to lack of penetration (I only faced it .075”!). Obviously, I welded it again. This mishap prevented me from making all of the feet the same height; they vary by .100”. Here it is, fixed.


Then I put minimal chamfers on the top & bottom of the feet with a file.

Finally, I used files, 80 grit Emery cloth, blue & finally tan Scotch-Brite to put a shine on everything.

I am very frustrated that I didn’t just do a slip fit on the feet.


This weekend I will do 12 “TIG/stitch/skipping around a lot” socket welds to finish this rack.


The legs are perpendicular to the floor. The camera is putting that angle on there.
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This is not where I am going to weld bottom shelf. The bottom shelf will be above the ground about 6”.

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I had to buy 3/4”-1-3/4” hose clamps for my fixturing, so I did a test fit with the hose clamps.

When I weld it (this weekend), the rack is upside down & the hose clamps hold up the shelves.


When I weld it, the middle shelf is going to be centered between the top and bottom shelves.

Again, the iPhone is putting weird angles on everything. It is very square in person.
Neither bragging or trying to beat a dead horse, annular cutters are the way to go for drilling larger holes without hammering your spindle. I don't understand your fascination with huge tooling but, there's no reason to beat the **** out of your mill using massive drill bits.

Buy a cheap coolant thru arbor and pick up cutters as needed!