Hi ErniehattYes I do have the VFD and a 1.5KW Spindle, left over from a Chinese 6040 CNC which did not work as it should have, could not get the spindle to work, so I got a Huan Yang VFD and 2.2kw Spindle which works fine.
So I decided to rebuild my original DIY machine, with the intention of using the 1.5kw Spindle, that's how come I bought another cheaper VFD, the Isacon A2 Series, the setup is entirely different to the Huan Yang which was given to me by the seller. But I can find nothing on the A2 series.
i have single phase 1.2Kw spindle & single phase VFD, the Isacon A2 Series 1.2Kw, you mention the you had done a setup, i'm finding the manual a little confusing, I had a high sparky wire them together so i have that part right any clues on the programming