Need mill adVise

Too bad the OP is not closer . :)
I have heard good things about the import Tegara vises from Shars
If you have the means to clean up a brand new sub par import, then you will have no trouble correcting what little could be wrong with a decent used Kurt. You can get a brand new "rebuild kit" from Kurt that will replace the spherical pivot, thrust washers/bearing, lock ring....... for around $20 direct from Kurt. If you're going to have to dick around with it anyway, might as well start with something that will last damn near forever. I got my D60 and swivel base for $250. Soaked it in Purple Power overnight, cleaned it up with a scrub brush and scotch brite, and then went over it it with precision flat stones. On the surface plate, there is not a single dimension that isn't under a half thou out. Sure, there are pits/dings here and there, but it has zero effect on the finished part. If you watch the auctions/sites, you should have no trouble finding a decent used D60 or D675 for the price of a new Chinesium vise. JMHO
A decent Kurt or Chick is often a better vise than new cheap clones. the older D60 are not as valuable as the 675 or 688 so you can find deals on CL or FB Mktplace. A rebuild kit is pretty cheap so if the screw isn't abused, there is usually a lot of life left in a $250 Kurt. Dave
Glascern vises are nice, and somewhat cheaper than Kurt for similar quality.
They may not hit your price point though, 6" new is about $480.
I bought one from HHIP off Amazon. Not a great vice, binds up before opening full width. Looking to buy a couple of the Shars Tegara vises if they ever come back into stock.
I have a set of 6" vise jaws from Glacern. Nice folks to deal with, and I have to say that dimensionally, they are spot on and nicely ground. But, they should consider putting some effort on deburring. The edges around the mounting bolt counterbores, are like razor blades on mine.