If you have the means to clean up a brand new sub par import, then you will have no trouble correcting what little could be wrong with a decent used Kurt. You can get a brand new "rebuild kit" from Kurt that will replace the spherical pivot, thrust washers/bearing, lock ring....... for around $20 direct from Kurt. If you're going to have to dick around with it anyway, might as well start with something that will last damn near forever. I got my D60 and swivel base for $250. Soaked it in Purple Power overnight, cleaned it up with a scrub brush and scotch brite, and then went over it it with precision flat stones. On the surface plate, there is not a single dimension that isn't under a half thou out. Sure, there are pits/dings here and there, but it has zero effect on the finished part. If you watch the auctions/sites, you should have no trouble finding a decent used D60 or D675 for the price of a new Chinesium vise. JMHO