Need 3/4" Weldon shank dimensions

I need the overall length of the shaft, the width and length of the flats....
On my set, the flats are 0.455 wide, depth of cut 0.550. Shaft from top of cutter to end of shaft is 0.875. Mine appears to be made from a single piece of steel. The Weldon shaft you show may be shorter by the amount the top of the cutter extends, but the overall length should work out the same. Other info in my previous post.
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If I understand correctly OP is modifying an ER20 collet chuck so it can be used in a mag base drill. If he wants to hold annular cutters in the ER20 chuck it would be impossible. The dimensions given here by other members should be sufficient to design the shank of ER collet chuck. It might be appropriate to use a steeper taper on the flats to prevent pullout of the chuck.
I am trying to put a ER20 collet chuck in my mag drill to hold regular drills.... Its much shorter than a drill chuck and holds better....

If he wants to hold annular cutters in the ER20 chuck it would be impossible.

Suck it... lol
I have a box of these and they are amazing.... You can return broken ones on the MAC tool truck just make sure to only take the broken bit not the whole box....
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