10-12 grains of FFg or FFFg black powder - BBs and pellets are .177 caliber - a #15 drill bit is .180 and works great. I got the fuse from cannonfuse.com - if I recall correctly, I used a 1/8" bit for that hole, but I'll need to double check that when I'm back in the shop. The breach end is drilled and tapped for 1/4 x 20. I did that to allow clean out in the event of a misfire.Neat, how much and what powder did you use? What is the bore ID? Bob
Insert the fuse
Measure and pour in the powder charge
I use a small amount of cotton as a wad and tamp the powder and wad using a non-metallic ram rod (Q Tip with the cotton removed)
Insert the BB or pellet
Another small amount of cotton to hold the projectile in place.
These cannons are readily available via the internet - this is just my interpretation - and it's a lot more fun to build than buy.