metal fluxing

Hi all.
Metal fluxing as I knew it was for detecting cracks in castings. Cylinder blocks, heads etc. The process used metal fillings on the surface and then a magnetic field would be applied to each end of the casting. The metal filings would line up along the crack. This was usually called magna fluxing.
I am not sure if that was what was being referred to.
The building up of metal was called spray welding as on shafts etc..

Yup, mag particle inspection (Magna-Flux) is a classic NTD method of finding cracks. Competes with dye check. I have a small portable mag and a iron puffer. Good for engine blocks and heads.
Yup, mag particle inspection (Magna-Flux) is a classic NTD method of finding cracks. Competes with dye check. I have a small portable mag and a iron puffer. Good for engine blocks and heads.

Just to be picky :p Its still a commonly used NDT method.
NDT referring to Non Destructive Testing. The method of choice these days for it's speed and not requiring any coating to be removed is Eddy Current. Although special training is needed to crack test using Eddy current and you normally remove the paint/powder coat and recheck using mag particle when a possible imperfection/crack is found.

Bit OT, sorry :cool:
Yep, my dyslexia got to me. NDT is correct.

And here, training is required if you want your certification. There are 3, I believe, levels for NDT technicians.