little chuck...

Here is my tommy bar chuck it has a 1” straight arbor that is permanent, your arbor looks threaded into the chuck and looks to need a spanner and a tommy bar to operate it. Shallow holes
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and how does that work? mine uses the spindle taper (m3) yours looks like just a pipe?
and what exactly is a tommy bar? ive never heard that one?
Tommy bars are hardened dowels that fit in the holes of the chuck then turn to tighten or loosen the chuck.
The “ pipe “is a straight arbor to mount into what ever I want to, lathe ,mill, DH , RT,
Your arbor looks like it may be threaded into the chuck , although I could be wrong.
Don’t know if ied want to put that into the spindle without a drawbar ,
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are you thinking it could pop out? im new to all this I just thought it was a great option over my 4 jaw.. until it didn't run out worth a s@#$ havnt had time to mess with it I see #s stamped beside the jaws but cant find any stamps on the jaws themselves... when its all the way closed all jaws touch tight so im kinda at a loss for now
to be honest I ve never even measured to see how big it opens up... im thinking it probably came with a spanner wrench at one time and it kinda looks like someone didn't have it and beet on the hole where the spanner should have grabbed..i will have to take it apart and have a look at it and see what I can do... eventually i'll buy a real 3 jaw but something like this would prbly still be great for shorter pieces that get lost in behind full size chuck jaws...

oh and dan my lathe is a wards/logan 700 she aint too pretty yet but come spring I will finish painting her... this is a pic when I first brought it home in late spring its half painted now but I cant find a pic... finish painting when spring comes and I can spray bomb it outside... don't worry the green is almost gone!

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Looks pretty nice to me!
I have 2 one is union and the other is craftsman but made by union. It is a light duty chuck. The OP's chuck looks to be screwed on. Mine are 1 1/2-8 thread his is probably 1" 10 or 8 thread. I would take it off the MT arbor. make a straight arbor and chuck it in the 4 jaw and use it that way.
a little update I tried to disassemble as much of the chuck as I could...took the jaws out.. the m3 arbour doesn't seem to be a threaded coupling like someone stated it just turns and turns im thinking its a taper like on a chuck ?? I couldn't get it, I know theres special little wedges but I don't have those! anyhow its all soaking in the cleaner bucket i'll get back to it on the weekend I hope... and hopefully I can fig out why its running so far out.
I'm telling ya, it just needs a warmer climate is all. . .

Anyway, I'm thinking maybe the mounting setup is like that on a drill chuck. Perhaps it has a JT or other taper at the chuck end.
Maybe it's been deformed in it's travels.
You've supported the chuck and tried knocking out the arbor with a brass drift, or eq. I assume.
The arbor turns and turns in the chuck ? If so it’s a tailstock chuck
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Post a pic of the back of the chuck. A video of what is turning would help also.