I just can't take it anymore

Once again I can’t believe what I’m reading. Walmart never put anyone out of business other than the fact that they bought real estate that housed other businesses

The local businesses that failed were due to the residents of your town preferring the lower prices Walmart was offering. In an effort to remain within their budget they switched from doing business with the higher priced local stores to the lower priced Walmart.

It seems we’re all looking for lower prices. More often than not the lower prices are at the mega stores that can buy in volumn. If a sufficient number of the local residents had chosen to pay the prices asked by the local merchants those merchants would still be in business and Walmart would have failed.

(See article here) Wal-Mart Charged With Predatory Pricing

Excerpt from Article:

In September 2000, Wal-Mart was hit with three separate charges of predatory pricing. Government officials in Wisconsin and Germany accused the retailer of pricing goods below cost with an intent to drive competitors out of the market. In Oklahoma, Wal-Mart faces a private lawsuit alleging similar illegal pricing practices.

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection filed a complaint with an administrative law judge accusing the retailer of violating the state’s antitrust law. The complaint says Wal-Mart sold butter, milk, laundry detergent, and other staple goods below cost in stores in Beloit, Oshkosh, Racine, Tomah, and West Bend. The company intended to force other stores out of business, gain a monopoly in local markets, and ultimately recoup its losses through higher prices.

(See article here) Wal-Mart Charged With Predatory Pricing

Excerpt from Article:

In September 2000, Wal-Mart was hit with three separate charges of predatory pricing. Government officials in Wisconsin and Germany accused the retailer of pricing goods below cost with an intent to drive competitors out of the market. In Oklahoma, Wal-Mart faces a private lawsuit alleging similar illegal pricing practices.

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection filed a complaint with an administrative law judge accusing the retailer of violating the state’s antitrust law. The complaint says Wal-Mart sold butter, milk, laundry detergent, and other staple goods below cost in stores in Beloit, Oshkosh, Racine, Tomah, and West Bend. The company intended to force other stores out of business, gain a monopoly in local markets, and ultimately recoup its losses through higher prices.
they've been doing that for at least 25 years that I am aware of. Those aren't just loss leaders, those are intended to eliminate the comp.
Once again I can’t believe what I’m reading. Walmart never put anyone out of business other than the fact that they bought real estate that housed other businesses

The local businesses that failed were due to the residents of your town preferring the lower prices Walmart was offering. In an effort to remain within their budget they switched from doing business with the higher priced local stores to the lower priced Walmart.

It seems we’re all looking for lower prices. More often than not the lower prices are at the mega stores that can buy in volumn. If a sufficient number of the local residents had chosen to pay the prices asked by the local merchants those merchants would still be in business and Walmart would have failed.
Wrong. Walmart is fully aware that once they drive the individual business out then they will control the choice of the consumer. I live in a town of 100,000 people. We have 3 Super Walmart's. they were going to build the 4th one until the State of Texas refused to grant them a license to sell Liquor. At one time Walmart even tried getting into the Used Car business in Houston. I once owned stock in a company named Moneygram. A very old company that competed with Western Union. Walmart had Moneygram locations in all its stores until they learned how to do it. then they dropped Moneygram and started their own wire transfer. doing so crashed the stock value of Moneygram overnight. In the days of the coal miners the Coal companies had what was called "The Company Store" Miners were paid with tokens only could be redeemed at the Company Store. I could go on and on but you are already a Walmart Zombie so why bother. Myself I am a half breed Amazon Zombie Ebay Zombie. The difference is that Amazon and Ebay create jobs or should I say create other small businesses . I invite you to read the book. "The World is Flat" I read it 25 years ago. it will definitely enlighten you. I lost my job and my pension to "Off Shoring" and so have many others who just wanted to earn a fair days pay for a fair days work. And support my family with the pay.

BTW if they weren't predators then why did the State of Texas deny then a liquor license.

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Every time someone buys an offshore item , someone loses their job on the homefront . What's new about this ? The reason I left the machining arena was for this reason only . If it's made overseas for the cheap , everyone will buy it to save a buck . Large corporations included . I opted for a maintenance machinist position that paid well over the machinists positions . If the company wanted to close its doors , they did so . We closed 3 out of the 4 local plants due to chasing low labor costs . Everyone is looking for a deal while everyone is looking to make more $$$ . Nothing we can do about it . :dunno:

I will say one thing about Wallymart . Their oil is better than 50% less than anywhere I've ever found . It's the only reason I'll go near the place .
We’ll see how things turn out.

(See article here) Wal-Mart Charged With Predatory Pricing

Excerpt from Article:

In September 2000, Wal-Mart was hit with three separate charges of predatory pricing. Government officials in Wisconsin and Germany accused the retailer of pricing goods below cost with an intent to drive competitors out of the market. In Oklahoma, Wal-Mart faces a private lawsuit alleging similar illegal pricing practices.

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection filed a complaint with an administrative law judge accusing the retailer of violating the state’s antitrust law. The complaint says Wal-Mart sold butter, milk, laundry detergent, and other staple goods below cost in stores in Beloit, Oshkosh, Racine, Tomah, and West Bend. The company intended to force other stores out of business, gain a monopoly in local markets, and ultimately recoup its losses through higher prices.
Once again, you're missing the point. If you and all your neighbors were willing to pay the higher prices the local merchants were asking, they would still be in business. You are the ones that chose to go to Walmart and buy the same product for less. You are the ones that ultimately put the local retailers out of business by making your purchases at Walmart.
Every time someone buys an offshore item , someone loses their job on the homefront . What's new about this ? The reason I left the machining arena was for this reason only . If it's made overseas for the cheap , everyone will buy it to save a buck . Large corporations included . I opted for a maintenance machinist position that paid well over the machinists positions . If the company wanted to close its doors , they did so . We closed 3 out of the 4 local plants due to chasing low labor costs . Everyone is looking for a deal while everyone is looking to make more $$$ . Nothing we can do about it . :dunno:

I will say one thing about Wallymart . Their oil is better than 50% less than anywhere I've ever found . It's the only reason I'll go near the place .
I do not buy gas at Murphy's either and even though I have a Sams card I no longer buy gasoline from Sams. Unless I am on the road traveling I only use Ethanol free gasoline. And I do pay about 65 cents a gallon more for it. And yes I have tested it to make sure it is truly ethanol free. And in Texas the state comptroller test the fuel and the pumps on a regular basis. And yes I know all about pipelines and all gas is the same except for the additives blah blah blah. i was in the fuel filter and fuel pump manufacturing business for about 15 years so I know a little about gasoline and what it does inside automobiles. We actually had to change the plating inside the fuel filters to nickel because the methanol eat the tin coating off and the filter would lose the inner end plate thus plugging the injectors. I have rebuilt enough carburetors and replaced enough fuel pumps to cause me to pay the extra money for the non-ethanol fuel. When I say on the road traveling I know I will use up the fuel in the tank in a short time. Because I drive very little now and have 3 pickup trucks and an SUV gasoline sets in the tanks for months. Ethanol is hydroscopic and the water that it absorbs causes bad things to happen. My only issue with ethanol is that I have to pay more for something that does not require more cost to blend the damn ethanol into it. it should be the other way around. Another way to force the consumer to buy a product.
I'm more than willing to pay for convenience . I'll spend an extra $2 to save a 60 minute round trip up to the Wallyworld phustercluck with all the traffic . :) The Ace store across the street provides local jobs also . The liquor store 100 yards away from me also provides local jobs. Once again , I sure as hell wouldn't drive an hour to save 2 bucks when I can walk or drive the tractor 100 yards .
Ethanol replaced MTBE , known to be a carcinogen . The Exxon contaminated my two wells years ago as well as 1000s of others in the neighborhood . They were promptly shut down and spent millions cleaning the mess up due to their leaks . Ethanol helps out the corn industry but adds nothing but trouble to small engines or the gas itself . Once again , no choices here other than drive to where they sell un-ethanol gas and pay the extra cost . To me , it's well worth it .
Ethanol replaced MTBE , known to be a carcinogen . The Exxon contaminated my two wells years ago as well as 1000s of others in the neighborhood . They were promptly shut down and spent millions cleaning the mess up due to their leaks . Ethanol helps out the corn industry but adds nothing but trouble to small engines or the gas itself . Once again , no choices here other than drive to where they sell un-ethanol gas and pay the extra cost . To me , it's well worth it .
What is MTBE?
What is MTBE?
Look it up . Cancer causing and was used in all gas years ago . Law suits out the ass until the gubmint finally banned its use .