I just can't take it anymore

Strange isn't it ? Any state that has mountains or areas used for recreation sells un-ethanol . Pa. and NY I get it . Not in Md unless off a boat dock .
here in NJ by me no chance of getting non ethanol...
I’ve mentioned it before but I feel it’s ironic that Iowa the state that produces the most ethanol has the most gas stations per capita with non- ethanol gas. Every little berg has at least one. The older farm equipment and trucks don’t like it.
It's a bit of a double-edged sword. A small town by us already had a K Mart when Walmart wanted to move in. They had a huge protest and were able to keep Walmart out. 20 years later K Mart went bust and everyone's whining that they have to go 50 miles to buy groceries
We used to have a K-Mart and aa Gibsons here and both K-Marts closed and both Gibsons closed. Walmart built right on top of where Gibsons was then a few years they tore it down and built a Super Walmart right behind it and now that spot is where Home Depot is.. I agree with it being a double edged sword. I loved Walmart at one time and one day I wanted to buy a new lawn chair and realized the only place in a town of 100,000 that sold lawn chairs was the Super Walmart that I loved because it was close to me. That experience opened my eyes to what Walmart was doing here. In the last 15 years I went to Walmart one time and that was to buy a battery for my digital calipers. Now that I can get them from Amazon I keep a stock of batteries in my tool box. I wonder sometimes how the system works. City's give companies like Walmart tax incentives to locate in their city and yet Walmart still makes out like a bandit collecting the same city sales tax. So I would really like to know how it works. The book I read "The World is Flat" described how Walmart used labor for less than 40 hours per week to avoid paying them benefits or overtime. These people were all under the limit of poverty income therefore were able to use the social system of medi-cade and food stamps etc. Therefore, causing the Joe and Jill Doe's like me to pay for their healthcare and food that me (and You) are not entitled to. It is a very interesting book.

When you consider the cost of those employees to the consumer the savings at Walmart are non-existent

Its been a great discussion projectnut and I do value your input..
I’ve mentioned it before but I feel it’s ironic that Iowa the state that produces the most ethanol has the most gas stations per capita with non- ethanol gas. Every little berg has at least one. The older farm equipment and trucks don’t like it.
That is very interesting to me.
it's not communism, it's capitalism at it's worst. There's the greed part, that says I want it all. I have to kill all the comp.
My dad owned a business. He always said to me, I would rather have 100 customers, than 1 big customer. And he had no problem with the comp down the block. As a matter of fact they became friends over time. He eventually sold to someone else and went to work for that guy. Not worried about killing the competition.
"And he had no problem with the comp down the block." This. We'll be back in Saigon, Vietnam in a couple days. For some reason, It seems like business owners of whatever type tend to be located near, or even next door to one another. Not unusual to see 5-6 plumbing supply, hardware, or lumber businesses in a single block. I would have thought they would spread out a little.
Why we'll be there? Wife is Vietnamese, going for a family function. Hey - the beer is cheap! lol.


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Oh, I thought it had to do with the topic. I didn't get what you were talking about.
Sorry, I was trying to link my comment with yours about the "comp down the block" and not worrying about it. I've just thought it odd to see so many of the same type of businesses lumped together in the same area, seems common over there. **Return to regular programming
I’ve mentioned it before but I feel it’s ironic that Iowa the state that produces the most ethanol has the most gas stations per capita with non- ethanol gas. Every little berg has at least one. The older farm equipment and trucks don’t like it.
It is counter intuitive to use food stuff that required more energy to produce it than will ever be recovers into Gas.