Got this Rockwell sander for $100.00 today.

I have had an identical machine for about 20 years. If it has the original motor it should be a 1 hp 111/220 volt motor. I have switched the wiring on mine several times depending n where it's located in the shop. Some years a 220 volt outlet is closest, other years it's been a 110 volt outlet. Parts are still available, but be seated if you call Rockwell. Their prices could easily give you a heart attack.

When I got mine a bearing had gone out and it destroyed the top roller. I could have bought a new machine for the price Rockwell was asking for parts. I was lucky to find an entire idler roller assembly on e Bay at a reasonable price.
I know.
They wanted something like $80.00 for the spanner nut that retains the top bearing.
Took a few tries, but I ended up making one, by single pointing the 0D of my stock, and drilling a center hole in it, and parting it off. Drilled a hole in the side of the "nut" to tighten up with A few taps with a punch.

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