UPDATE: Finished the copper lap for the quill, ID within 1 tenth. Starting boring, finish was terrible until a little spritz of WD40, then it was wonderful. Used push and pull screws to change size slightly. Very fortunately, cutting the gap did not release any internal stresses, was worried it would grab the slitting saw. Put it on the quill, without lapping compound, and learned something new! In the case of expanding the lap, realized that the expansion is not simple linear....Highest bending moment is directly opposite from the gap, going down to zero bending moment at the gap, so the radius does not change near the gap...my mind image is a hinge directly opposite from gap...If I had a wire EDM, would cut radial slots 1/4 in apart all around the inside (maybe outside using slitting saw?) of the ring, to make it super flexible, then would only need the puller screw.
Also realized that 2 or 4 micron diamond powder is way too fine, would leave a polished surface with hardly any oil storage volume in finish scratches, existing finish is ground, seems like maybe 220 grit finish, 'grooves' aligned around the quill. I'll get some fine auto valve lapping compound, and try that. Since this is taking so long, tried 400 wet or dry with WD40 (like a shoe-shine), but couldn't measure any change after 1/2 hour of sanding.