End Of An Era...

Am I Blessed in work and knowledgeBecause I could drop in as I passed through
Boston the way to school(N.H.) - Got to spend some years at SYLVANIA APP.
RESEARCH LAB...... BLJHB. P.S. 1950?
Yabbut ... the RS flashlight is marked "Made in USA"!!!
One thing that killed Radio Shack was when everything went to integrated circuits instead of individual components. Nothing fixable today...
Went there often myself , many times hard to find things would be there. Use build radios and more while a teenager. Decent alligator clips that didn't fall apart or bend , jacks and connectors that were at least well made. Still have many of the tools from there ,. Go there look at all the items and find what you need. Not many stores of any kind that's a local go to. ?? Remember when the auto store had sporting goods . The hardware store sold guns and ammo , even 22 shells at a penny a shell and you bought a nickels worth. No one ever heard of a murder or rape . Joy rides were just that a prank and the cars were close by but out of gas. Here I am musing about my youth. The nation's changing for better or worse ?..?
Maybe Radio Shack will come back to life one day... like this thread did. ;)

It came back to life because I have just discovered this forum and I'm reading every message. every one.... I'm now on page 21. I got a ways to go...
I feel for the independant hareware stores. The only real hardware store left in Colorado is McGukin’s in boulder of all places. I will drive the 75 miles to buy an item I need because their sales people know their stuff. It is mostly famialy member that have been there years. I save the ting I don’t need right away and make an all day trip and just walk around look at stuff great place. If they don’t have it, you won’t need it!
Fond memories of the old time hardware stores. Coast to Coast, Hubbard and Johnsons..Peninsula Hardware, a local favorite
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