I purchased my 9x20 in the understanding it was really a kit of parts that required a lot of work to fettle and get working well.
About five years ago, I purchased a 7x lathe
without that understanding, and having no experience with running a lathe (or a mill, for that matter) it almost turned me off the hobby completely. Fortunately, I went with some of the "get proper-sized machinery" advice, which proved well-founded: I built a shop, bought some decent-quality used machines, and couldn't be happier.
The 7x has been demoted to wood-lathe status. In time, I may get a proper wood lathe and use it only for grinding. I have toyed with the idea of making it a rigid and precise machine, and while that is a challenge, I am not sure it is worth the trouble.
I understand that a 7x is all that some people have room for, and that experienced owners can make better use of the thing than I initially could, and that for some the least expensive lathe is the only option. In my experience, however, I bought a proper lathe for slightly over double the cost of the 7x, not counting the outlay for the riggers of course. So, considerations of space and budget aside, I view the 7x, and possibly the 8x, import lathes as a waste of time and money.