Denatured Alcohol Shortage?

I use Heet and lanolin as case lube, but I wondered whether lanolin would dissolve in DNA or 70% isopropyl. I guess I can try it myself. This week I sprayed some of my pliers with the Heet mixture and others with mineral spirits and lanolin.

Yesterday Walmart didn't have 70% in quarts, but they had 91% for $4. No butter, however, and I paid $12.38 for two pounds at another store. Cheapest they had.

It's strange that first aid alcohol in quarts is abundant and cheaper than DNA in gallons. I wonder if public fears of a new coronavirus spike are driving a shift in production.

Steel is still outrageous here even though the price on the exchanges has collapsed. Weird .

May God help people on fixed incomes on times like these.
I've invested $240 in steel for a tractor attachment I'm making. I bought an attachment which weighs about 2/3 as much for $190.
I use Heet and lanolin as case lube, but I wondered whether lanolin would dissolve in DNA or 70% isopropyl. I guess I can try it myself. This week I sprayed some of my pliers with the Heet mixture and others with mineral spirits and lanolin.

I'm using 91% isopropyl and lanolin. It works great. I think Heet is just denatured alcohol, so there's no reason it wouldn't work the same.
I decided to look Heet up. It turns out red-bottle Heet is not Heet at all. It's Iso-Heet. Different name.

People say Iso-Heet is 99% alcohol. I don't know if that's true. The MSDS says it contains at least 75% isopropyl alcohol, and the rest is something called ethylbenzene.

I looked up isopropyl. It turns out it's made mainly from propane. The other way is to oxidize acetone.

I decided to look methanol up. These days, it's made from carbon monoxide and hydrogen, so I guess it's not wood alcohol any more. It killed my grandfather. He drank some bad moonshine, and it destroyed his kidneys. This was years before transplants.
I'm using 91% isopropyl and lanolin. It works great. I think Heet is just denatured alcohol, so there's no reason it wouldn't work the same.
Heet comes in two flavors, regular Heet and iso Heet. I believe the old fashioned Heet is just methanol and the new, improved iso Heet is 99% isopropyl alcohol. OFrom the MSD filings) There is no need for a denaturant in either methanol or isopropyl alcohol since they aren't potable.