Carriage stop question?

Well, that just goes to show everybody's mileage varies! :) I've never had that trouble with mine on my lathe ways, but every situation/machine/usage is different. It's nice to have different tools in your toolbox so you can use what will be to your best advantage for different situations and setups.

yep, I think its because my SB9 does not have the large V ways that a larger machine has. it it did, the magnet might have more to attract to.
I thought about making a new magnetic one, one that registers on the V, but then reasoned, that a solid mount is foolproof. Especially when I have to be back over the gearbox.. The magnet does not get in over the gearbox well.

but you are right, there are many flavors, colors, music genres, each person has his or her own likes/dislikes. I just presented my peeve about the magnetic indicator. I was hoping it would do the job. Like Daryl, I tried marking, but I use lots of oil on the ways, and it becomes difficult to mark it.
would love to have the auto stop feature of the monarchs... ahhh I can dream.
I miss my old Mori-Seiki lathe I used decades ago. It's hard stop would disengage the feed when it was pressed. It was a big hoary beast with a 50 horsepower motor.