I generally try to avoid buying stuff from China when possible...I don't dislike the people of China, but their government is another matter. With that said, there are times when it's simply too much of a price difference to ignore. I've found three vendors on eBay that have been absolutely perfect with the items matching the description, having reasonable shipping times, and good quality. I have also noticed that I regularly get eBay coupon offers from them, so this is handy for things that I want to stock up on.
The last couple of things have been solid carbide boring bars and CBN inserts. The boring bars would be $150-250 from the big sources and they're like $25-30 from the eBay retailer. Same thing with the CBN inserts...$30-100 each versus $8-10 each from China.
Like others have said, their carbide insert prices are crazy low. What I've done is add a pack of an insert I want to try when I order something else. If I like them, I order a bunch...they don't take up much space, don't go bad, and they'll only go up in price. I've been shocked with the quality of the Blue Nano/Nano Blue inserts...I used one for like a month and it still was fine.
I wish I could be a purist, but when you're talking $150 versus $30 it's hard to ignore. So far I haven't been burned, but if I do, I figure I'm still money ahead in the long game.