Good point. The bored holes are through the 6.5" section. My thinking was this, I have, thus far, manufactured less than 10 (finished) items on the milling machine. Closer to 5. And each item has brought with it its own level of very steep learning curve. One of those was an idler roller support for a Porter Cable band saw that cracked. I had to make 2 of those before I got it right. The original was cast aluminum and I did what I thought was a pretty solid job making a replacement. I also got to do some flat file fitting work which was also a first. However, I failed to take into account that the original cast piece had expanded some prior to cracking. So the first one didnt fit.
The 2nd project is a double rifle that I am in the process of building. Too much there to even start a discussion.
Given the limited experience, and the fact that the aluminum blocks were fairly expensive, I elected to be more conservative on the ring diameter for the 1/2" penetrations/perforations. Once I get one behind me perhaps I can be more aggressive with the 2nd one. I still have some concern that, once the ring of 1/2" circles is complete (and it nearly is), and the center mass removed, i still will have to use the boring bar to take the 20 or so connected half circles and cut them back to a single continuous circle. Probably not explaining this very well. Essentially, the boring bar will make contact at the midpoint between the radii of holes 1 and 2, and then pass to the point of the radii between holes 2 and 3, and so on. Assuming the ring of circles is perfect, and it is not, the boring bar has to work through this stop-and-go cutting for the first half inch before it gets down to continuous contact. Im not sure what that looks like on the boring bar tip. Seems like a lot of miniature impacts. Im guessing it will sound even worse. I could probably take a 3/4" end mill and manually work my way around the ID to "soften the peaks but, I'm not sure if that is best either. Also, even if the end mill idea works, it will only reach so far down into the 6.5" deep bored hole.
As is always the case, I very much welcome constructive guidance.