The old timer that taught me how to run a lathe taught me many things, and one of them had to do with chuck clearance. Ensuring chuck, jaw, and part clearance also ensures that the chuck key is removed.
Here is what I do on my Logan: Every time I shut it off, I lift the belt cover once it has stopped. This releases tension on the belt, which also ensures that if I accidentally turn on the lathe, the belt will slip, hopefully preventing any injury. The primary reason for releasing the belt tension, however, is so that I can rotate the chuck by hand to bring the key socket to the top, do what I need to do, then rotate the chuck by hand one full turn to ensure proper clearance. This also ensures that the chuck key has been removed. Once clearance has been proven, the belt cover is lowered which tensions the drive belt, and power is then turned on and work progresses.
Since learning that simple trick, I have never crashed anything into the chuck or jaws, nor have I launched a chuck key!