Well I made some chips with the mill this evening. Determined in the process I mounted the vice in the wrong place (back to front) so I was cutting with the bed in the full forward position to reach the back face. Darn it I had that vise dialed in less than 5 tenths (0.0005") over the face of the vise. Well its a learning lesson right...
Anyways I guess I need to get a metal band saw to cut quicker, but I used the mill to give me practice, cutting a 1.5 square bar to the size I want for the bracket (after facing the top as practice) I made lots of small cuts conventional milling with a 1/2" two fluted endmill. Cutting front to back 0.02 wider than I intended then back to front to dimension. I varied the depth of cut experimenting to see how the machine handled the cuts. I found that I had not seated the endmill deep enough at first but fixed that after a few cuts. Cutting 0.1" seemed rough, 0.05" went much more smoothly, and 0.025" seemed like cutting butter (adjusting feed speeds by the feel of the machine). The spindle never slowed down, but The machine did vibrate during the more aggressive cuts. I know part of that was the I was cutting further away from the vise than I should have been, primarily because heck it was my first time using the machine and I really did not want to run into the vise.
On thing I have to say is I LOVE how repeatable the mill is compared to my wood working tools. Being able to stop the mill because of an electrical storm, re-position the endmill, and still beable to trust the tools position is something I could never do with my woodworking tools...