Finder scope finished and looking very nice.
However, I now have a cemented 50mm japanese doublet that may be a better objective but it needs the central tube to be another 15mm longer and a different lens cell. Maybe after its all finished.
View attachment 111494
At last I can start on the focusser unit.
I couldnt find any 60mm plate but did find some 100mm round.
Now came the hard part, I dont have a mill but need to convert this cylinder to a block.
It wont fit securely in the chuck.
I scribed the block size on the top of the cylinder, drilled the centre and mounted it on the compound in place of the tool post.
I used a rule to align the scribed line with the face of the chuck.
View attachment 111492
The only tool I could use that had sufficient off set happened to be the Eccentric Engineering diamond tool holder and this proved to be just right held at an angle in the 4 jaw.
View attachment 111490
about half way through here. as I got closer to the scribed line I just had to make a tiny re-alignment to bring it back to spot on.
View attachment 111491
Instead of doing the same thing to the other side I mounted it against the chuck jaws as there was just enough room and have started milling the other side. I'm hoping they will be parallel by doing it this way.
The first cuts seem to point this way.
View attachment 111493