THAT'S IT!!!! Janitor Accesories for all!!!!

I had this problem, but not anymore! I just make sure I have more than one of whatever it is. If the one gets lost/misplaced in the shop, I have a back-up. And when the back-up gets lost, I have the first one that got lost. It’s a goofy circle of life…Good Luck, Dave.
What I hate (there's a whole thread right there) is when I drop something it never bounces into the middle of the floor, no it makes a B line for the most inaccessible possible location.
What I hate (there's a whole thread right there) is when I drop something it never bounces into the middle of the floor, no it makes a B line for the most inaccessible possible location.

Which in my shop is the crack that opens down into the woodchuck den. I really need to fill that in (I should have the floor mudjacked but that's too expensive). Before I fill it, though, I need to bust out enough floor to reach down in there and fish out a couple of buckets of hardware and small parts.
(I should have the floor mudjacked but that's too expensive)

Mine needs mudjacking too... but I think I would have to take out another mortgage. Do you know how many chuck keys you can buy with that much money?!?


Get a Keyless Chuck!

Stinks getting older, doesn't it! A couple years ago was the first time I ever went to buy a part and couldn't remember what Part I needed when I I got to the store. I strolled the store and luckily remembered when I saw it. Luckily it Hasnt happened again, and I have a cell phone picture of what I need as a backup.

putting stuff down and not being able go find it three minutes later drives me nuts when it happens. More times than not it was in the first place I looked, but I missed it on the first look.

Im blaming it on my bifocals. These problems didn't start until after getting bifocals.

Mine needs mudjacking too... but I think I would have to take out another mortgage. Do you know how many chuck keys you can buy with that much money?!?



Call around and get some quotes. I had some mudjacking done on the sidewalk around my office and the price was very reasonable. I was surprised just how inexpensive it actually was.


When you cant find a misplaced tool, go buy another one, walk into the shop and set it down/put it away. Seems like it will always "land" on top of the one you cant find!
What I decided to about this problem is:
-on the drill press I secured the chuck key via a yellow wire.
- the mill has a keyless chuck
- the lathe has about 5 chuck keys and 6 or so drill chucks. Most of the keys never leave the chuck as the tang seats the same way.
Now the main lathe chuck only has one key but I've never lost it. But it goes in the same place every time. But it is huge about a foot wide and long.
***Resurrection Alert !***
How to start the day: Grab a cup a coffee, bring up an older 'Off-Topic' H-M Post, proceed to laugh one's arse off...
Always start your day with a good laugh. Need to follow that practice more often.

It's rather like the Blue Guys in the Twilight Zone episode 'A Matter of Minutes', where they tear down & rebuild the world around us every minute or so. I just wish that they'd stay out of our 'shop' areas.

As for our Better Halfs being able to find missing items, it has to do with the uterus, it is a homing device. I give it ten minutes, give up, and then I go find my Honey and beg her to come out and look. Two minutes - tops, and she finds it. Makes ya wonder if you're losing your mind or if reality is warping.

Gotta love Terry's dog, Buck, he would be handy when you're laying under the vehicle and need a tool, FETCH!

"Rass a frass a frip wrackin' ritz a cot blasted smart alec!"
↑↑↑↑↑↑ Gonna pin that up in the shop.
If you really want to find that lost tool, start looking for something else. The lost tool will suddenly show up but you can't find the thing you were looking for.