You know your a tool junkie when................

While visiting in a city across the country from home, I'm looking up CL in the area where I'm at for tools, and monitoring the CL ads back home.

Do I need help? :nuts:
You know that you are a tool junkie when you beg your wife to take her to the fabric store so you can go to the near-by Harbor Freight store.
Hi, my name is Dan & I haven't check CL in two days...

I certainly received my come comeuppance with Honey visiting family in KC and I teased her that I'd be checking CL out there and
sure enough there was that Mill that popped up that Stonghold scored. If only the FIL had moved quicker. (hehe)
That should teach me... Of course retrieving a big hefty mill from KC would have cost a bit in time and money.
And it worked out for the best, the In-laws won't be following Danielle back here. They're going to head home to Colorado instead... :phew:
This is good stuff. I'm going through some tooling I got when I got my lathes. Of course its unrelated to my lathe, totally useless to me...and I still cant toss it.
Denial is one of the first symptoms.

Tool Junky Husband to wife: "Honey, I didn't buy it for myself. It was at a price that I couldn't refuse. I plan to sell it and make ten times my money."
3 years later, the tool is still in the garage...still being played with...never sold.

Seriously, that's one of my occupational hazards of flipping tools.

Happy Trails (or tools)!
I had no idea selling tools was part of the equation.... I will have to sit on this concept a few years and ponder this. For now I will keep all 10 of my pliers
You know when you're a tool junkie when you walk through a tool store or catalog and can't find anything that you really need. Oh sure, there may still be a few things that you'd like to have, but upon checking your shop, you already have one or two and didn't even remember them.

My wife hates Christmas time because we can't figure out what to buy me. I just ask for CREDIT in case something comes up during the year.
My grandfather was a tool junkie.

My father was a tool junkie.

Now I have it all.

It's not enough.

Must be genetic.

A proud and (*grunt*) rewarding heritage...
Wow how fortunate to have to have ancestors do the collecting and saving for You.:thumbzup3:
"You have 4 bottom tool chests and 3 top ones, and you want another top one because the 4th one looks naked with no top box on it"

My fourth bottom tool chest has a surface plate on top... But a Gerstner could probably fit in there somewhere!
-Bob Korves (prepared for all previous emergencies and working on being prepared for all possible future ones)