You know your a tool junkie when................

I was using my shaper just last night and she spoke to me. She said the even though I was buying a newer, bigger, stronger shaper in better shape, she would promise to never complain and would take whatever menial task I gave her and due the job as quick and pretty as she could with never a complaint. She only asked that I don't sell her to someone who will never oil her, feed her sticky grease instead and would turn there back instead of standing mesmerized by the beauty of the work she was doing!

What could I possibly say to that, I had to tell her there was more than enough room for two shapers in the shop and she could stay :)) I'm a sucker for tool talk.

Normal people keep pictures of family and friends stored on their smart phones. Tool junkies keep pictures of their tools and projects stored on their smart phones.
My wife borrowed a screwdriver on Saturday and when she returned it and put it in the drawer, I asked if she put it back in correctly. She said she put it where she found it.

I walked to the drawer and noticed that it was indeed in the correct drawer but it was not in the exact spot it goes and it was not facing the correct direction.

When she questioned my behavior, I told her I knew that something wasn't right because there was a disturbance in the force, I could feel the tools weren't "happy".

I don't think she saw the humor that I did.
My wife borrowed a screwdriver on Saturday.

Those are the most horrifying words my wife can utter "where is the screwdriver/hammer/wrench" besides the fact I'll never see that tool again until I happen on it when I'm looking for something else, I just know I'm going to be fixing something.
Those are the most horrifying words my wife can utter "where is the screwdriver/hammer/wrench" besides the fact I'll never see that tool again until I happen on it when I'm looking for something else, I just know I'm going to be fixing something.

Yep, it shot a tingle down my spine when she asked but in all honesty it was easier to just point to the toolbox and let her get it herself. Although afterwards giving her crap about not putting it back in the right place and not facing the correct direction, I think she will think twice before asking next time.

I did make the mistake of asking her if I go into the kitchen and rearrange all of her things.:veryscared: Hind sight, that probably wasn't the best thing to say.
My wife has her own tools that I am not allowed to touch. I wouldn't use them anyway because I'd never be able to find anything in what looks to me like a random mound of stuff. However, she can always put her hand on what she needs on the first try and always somehow puts it back right where it was.
my wife also has a set of her own tools. they are so cheap that I refuse to use them.
My wife has her own tools that I am not allowed to touch.

I tried that for a few years when we where first married, that didn't go well, about 30 years ago that tool box mysteriously disappeared in one of our moves, I've always been a prime suspect but there was to many people involved in the move to come up with anything more than circumstantial evidence.
But in my defense have you ever tried to remove 4 screws that have no discernible/recognizable heads left on them, not to to mention the 12 holes that need repairing, that dam tool box was costing me to much work and time, I really had no choice.
I daren't try that: half my tools came from Robin's father. Besides, she's quite able to use them. She did all the maintenence in a small apartment building for years.

She won't use power tools any more though.
1. Saturday morning yard sales...If I don't see any signs of tools, it becomes a drive by. So time isn't wasted on getting to a good sale.

Here in the Phoenix area, yard and garage sales tend to start early on Friday morning. And between the early-bird scavengers and the heat of the day, if you're not there by 11AM, you're totally SOL. Makes it kinda hard for a lazy/night-owl/late-rising retiree like me :cussing: